Sabtu, Oktober 10, 2009

More To Service, More To Get The Profit


If we want to success and develop
So the service is everything

Perhaps we know that the one of an employee duty is the leadership. The ideal employee is to be the leader too. On the new paradigm, the best leader is the leader who can give the good service for the customer. Means that employee as a leader and as the servicer too. Don’t think that employees want to service.

In this context, perhaps we need to know that as an employee, who open the new business, it is very important to make ‘service’ as the priority. For example, how can we service the customer?, how can we do to make the customer happy? And for us if we have the progress, so the customer will given the service by our employees. And the employees will service by the manager, the manager will service by directure, and the directure will service by businessman. So, who will service the businessman?

The answer is muchly. But I think the service concept is easy to said but very difficult to do.
As the employee who have many experience, it’s clear that we will always communication with many people. And as the leader of the company, absolutely must to service many people is the part of the job. Service many people means that our business is begin. I think, to service is must to defeat our self before give the service to peoples. Service can’t to favoritism. Service means that we service the people in our business area and it’s impossible if we work without the service.

Service the employees is give our attention for them. Service the manager is give appreciation and service for customer is the priority of our job. The company which want to develop or success, so the service is everything. The service business will wreak the more profit.

The opinion of Robet T Kiyosaki from his book ‘Rich Kid, Smart Kid’ is if we build a business which service a thousand of customer, as our profit from this business, we will be a millionaire. And if we can service the millions of customer, so we will be a milyader. Because of that, We are as an employee must to service all of the customer. Trust me, with we service many people(The customers), we will get the more profit.


Fadil Arif

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