Sabtu, Oktober 03, 2009

See With The Conscience


For optimistic people, this life is easy, nothing difficulties. All of the problem absolutely can to manage. Vice versa, for the pessimist people, this life is difficult cause there are many problems.

Several people is the optimistic people. To see this life not only with their brain but also with their conscience. Who is the conscience here? The conscience is your original self. Choose it as your friend, in all of the condition (Happy or Sad) because on our conscience there are a desire.
The conscience always take us to the kindness. Vice versa, the devil will always tempt to make us on the wrong way. If you always near with the conscience, so the angel will be near with you too.

For example, when we meet with our best friend, if you and your best friend are near with the conscience, so you are same and trusted. The angel of your best friend will meet with your angel, and will be come the kindness. The kindness is the basic of successful.
On physically, perhaps the eyes and the thinking are easy to differentiate who’s the very beautiful, handsome or simple. But when you must to choose who’s the honesty people and can believed, I’m sure that your eyes and thinking can’t answer or can’t to determine it. Just the conscience who can determine it. So, because of that, you must to near with your conscience.

When we near with our conscience, so we will get many of easiness. Unpredicted, many people are support us and everything will be easy. It’s called “Principle of Least Effort”

5 steps to near with the conscience :
Back to nature
To do the kindness
Thinking to other people

When we often see the life with the conscience, so we will get the best way and the profit always come to us. Amin...


Fadil Arif

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